Wednesday, October 26, 2011


  Digital Law:   electronic responsibility for actions and deeds 
Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical use manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society. Users need to understand that stealing or causing damage to other people’s work, identity, or property online is a crime. There are certain rules of society that users need to be aware in a ethical society. These laws apply to anyone who works or plays online. Hacking into others information, downloading illegal music, plagiarizing, creating destructive worms, viruses or creating Trojan Horses, sending spam, or stealing anyone’s identify or property is unethical.

Digital Law can affect our future by the choices we make on our technological world. Everything we post from passwords, social security numbers, and many documents can be used in your contrary.

Monday, October 24, 2011


URL- The URL of the webpage is incorrect.

BOOLEAN SEARCH- When you are going on a trip, you can use boolean search to find a specific hotel.

LEGAL- There are many privileges that are legal.

UNETHICAL- There are many unethical behaviors that are easy to differentiate from good and bad.

ETHICAL- When you are young, you learn the ethical behaviors such as don't commit robbery.

SMS- My friend sent me a SMS when she started going out with her new boyfriend.

TONE- Her tone seemed so drastic, at first she has very happy and suddenly she was really angry.

OBVIOUS- It is obvious that she is mad, look at her face!

EMOTICONS- Many teenagers use emoticons so that there would be more tone to their messages.

ANONYMOUS- You should be aware of ant anonymous comment.

TROLL- I was included in a troll that I didn't want to be involved in. 

FLAMES- They were sending a lot of flames to her by hotmail, that is why she was crying.

COURTESY- They told me that the drinks were courtesy of the restaurant, so we don't have to pay for them.

CONDUCT- If everyones conduct was polite, there would be less wars.

ETTIQUETE- It is important that you know the proper digital etiquette when using the internet explorer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

IA part2

1. How can my learning serve my community? 
    By me learning this design cycle, I can serve my community by being a more organized person.  Being organized helps in many ways. I believe that I person can influence the whole community. And not only because of the design cycle learning, but with everything else. Whatever someone learns, either good or bad, can influence or inspire the people around you, your community.

2. How can your future projects become better? 
    By investing more time on my future projects I will definitely help the scores of my final products. Being more creative and more fluent in the investigate, plan, and design stages will give me a head start really fast. That way I won't be changing my product every time. The final product will be of better quality and I will finish faster but in a more organized way. 

3. What have you learned about yourself and what you will continue to do or not do and why?
    What I learned about myself is that I procrastinate too much. I always knew that I did, but I never thought of it that much. I learned that if I want my work to be done correctly and I am on track, I will not be on a rush and all worried at the end of what my grade will be. I also learned that I need to take every single class seriously and it's better to do homework at home and be over with it, than doing it one class before you have to turn it in. I learned things that will help me be more relaxed.

4. How do you feel about your final product? What would you rate yourself on the Rubric scale of 1-6 for each part of the Assessment Criterion?
    I rate my final product a 5-6 overall. I know I could have done better, but it is also a very good result. I believe this really teaches what the design cycle is and it's entertaining. In the investigate stage, I rate myself a 6 because I really looked into the webpages and products I could create and investigated them truly. In the plan, I rate myself a 5. I know I did a good job, but I feel like I just did it like whatever and didn't really pay attention to it. In the Create stage, I rate myself a 4 because I didn't follow the deadlines I planned, but I still could have a good final result. For the evaluate stage, I rate myself a 6 because I look into detail all the problems of the whole process and what I could have done better. 

5. What would you do differently in regards to your planning and execution of your plan?
    I would think of myself and the time and effort I am really going to put into the project. With that, I would create a more realistic plan stage and deadlines for the product. By the create stage, I will execute the project and follow my plan stage just like I planned and create the product with the deadlines specified. I will try better, make a better effort, not procrastinate, and be more successful next time.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Create, October 7

Here is the video of my progress so far. 
 Today I continued creating the video that I started last class. I added more characters and the scripts and voices. I changed different things I had but did a good job at advancing. I just finished the introduction and now I have to start explaining the design cycle very carefully and with detail. Next class time I will continue with the same project and add more fun stuff. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This will be the first slide of the video.


Design 1: In the first design I will put a teacher giving class and repeating the design cycle.

Design 2: There will be two persons discussing the design cycle in a cafe and different places.

Design 3: My third design will be about a boss telling his workers to explain to him the design cycle to create a project.